The Indian market saw the release of the Oppo F3 smartphone, which costs Rs. 19,990. The latest handset has been named as selfie expert by the specialists, and it seems it has done a great job. However, it is not the only mobile in the market that has tried to achieve success in this domain, rivalling Gionee A1 and Vivo V5s. We will put some light at the strengths of these three smartphones to help you decide which would be the best pick for you.
The Oppo F3 packs a 16-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 16-megapixel front shooter for selfies with a 76.4-degree wide angle lens. whereas, the Vivo V5s offers a 20-megapixel camera on the back and a 13-megapixel one on the front, while the Gionee A1 features a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 16-megapixel front one.
The Oppo F3 and Vivo V5s both run on Android 6.0. However, Gionee A1 operates on the Android 7.0 Nougat which is the latest version of android OS.
The recently launched mobiles have got quite interesting features. Both the Vivo V5s and Oppo F3 are featured by a 1.5 GHz octa-core CPU but, the Gionee A1 stands aside with its 2.0 GHz octa-core SoC. All three of them are MediaTek ones. In yet another similarity between the three mobiles, they all have 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal storage. Thankfully, you can expand the space with the help of a microSD card on all of them. However, Oppo F3 only allows up to 128 GB, while the other two devices let you use 256 GB.
All three smartphones come with a 5.50 inches display, but the resolution varies. Oppo F3 and Gionee A1 sport a 1080p—1920 pixels resolution, while the Vivo V5s offers a 720p—1280p resolution.
Vivo V5s comes with a battery life of 3,000mAh, While Oppo F3 is powered by a 3200mAh non-removable battery with fast charging capability and Gionee A1 comes with a 4010mAh Non-removable Li-Po battery.
After studying the specs of all three smartphones, we've found that the Gionee A1 beats the other two phones in the battery performance. also, the software used by the Gionee A1 is the latest one. On the camera front, people who want a better camera phone may opt Vivo V5s as the smartphone features a much better camera option for shooting selfies. Besides, it also gets 4GB RAM, which will perform much better than others.
You can also check comparison between Vivo V5s, Oppo F3 and Gionee A1 in a tabular form.
The Oppo F3 packs a 16-megapixel primary camera on the rear and a 16-megapixel front shooter for selfies with a 76.4-degree wide angle lens. whereas, the Vivo V5s offers a 20-megapixel camera on the back and a 13-megapixel one on the front, while the Gionee A1 features a 13-megapixel rear camera and a 16-megapixel front one.
The Oppo F3 and Vivo V5s both run on Android 6.0. However, Gionee A1 operates on the Android 7.0 Nougat which is the latest version of android OS.
The recently launched mobiles have got quite interesting features. Both the Vivo V5s and Oppo F3 are featured by a 1.5 GHz octa-core CPU but, the Gionee A1 stands aside with its 2.0 GHz octa-core SoC. All three of them are MediaTek ones. In yet another similarity between the three mobiles, they all have 4 GB RAM and 64 GB internal storage. Thankfully, you can expand the space with the help of a microSD card on all of them. However, Oppo F3 only allows up to 128 GB, while the other two devices let you use 256 GB.
All three smartphones come with a 5.50 inches display, but the resolution varies. Oppo F3 and Gionee A1 sport a 1080p—1920 pixels resolution, while the Vivo V5s offers a 720p—1280p resolution.
Battery & Storage
Vivo V5s comes with a battery life of 3,000mAh, While Oppo F3 is powered by a 3200mAh non-removable battery with fast charging capability and Gionee A1 comes with a 4010mAh Non-removable Li-Po battery.
After studying the specs of all three smartphones, we've found that the Gionee A1 beats the other two phones in the battery performance. also, the software used by the Gionee A1 is the latest one. On the camera front, people who want a better camera phone may opt Vivo V5s as the smartphone features a much better camera option for shooting selfies. Besides, it also gets 4GB RAM, which will perform much better than others.